Our Little Man is 2 Months Old today...seems like yesterday when I was writing about him turning 1 Month Old. Time is flying by like I can't believe and I am just so grateful to get to spend every day with him and not miss anything. I feel like my world is now complete. I have my two precious boys and I can't imagine life before this moment.

At 2 months our little guy is...

At 2 months our little guy is...
- 10 lbs & 22 in
- Sleeps around 7 hours a night (not in a row)
- Usually sleeps from 10pm - 3am & 4am - 8am
- Feeds from one breast per feeding, eats for 10 min to 30 min & eats between every 1 hour & 4 hours
- Smiles a lot (not just from gas)
- Sticks out his tongue and plays with it (watch out when you give him kisses)
- Makes and keeps eye contact
- Pushes off like he is ready to stand up
- Kicks his feet a lot and loves to stretch after a long nap
- Wears 0-3 months and 3-6 months clothes depending on the brand
- Goes through about 12 diapers a day
- Holds his head up almost always
- Loves his swing and bouncy seat (though not for long periods of time)
- Looks at his mobile and tries to play with toys that dangle
- Likes to talk...sounds like a tan tan (Star Wars reference)
- Has not mastered tummy time just yet...he prefers his back or side
- Seems to have the Newman temper (That's my side)
- Has his Daddy's bowels and poots all day long
- Likes to be held all day long and never lets Mommy get anything done